Claudia Soulfindings
Heart-Centered Wisdom: Exploring the Divine Feminine & the Christ Consciousness Grid
During this interview you’ll learn:
Claudia discusses the concept of heart-centered wisdom and explores the divine feminine in the context of Christ consciousness.
She shares her personal journey of self-discovery, highlighting the role of dreams, illness, and life challenges in pushing her to look inward and understand what comes from her heart.
Claudia speaks about the concept of the divine feminine, defining it as the aspect of source or creation that embodies qualities traditionally associated with femininity, such as nurturing, compassion, intuition, and creativity.
She explores the importance of connecting with the heart as a path towards spiritual growth, highlighting the cultural imbalance towards material achievements and the need to bring forth feminine aspects within ourselves.
Lastly, Claudia expresses her deep appreciation for cacao as a valuable tool for spiritual rituals and connecting with the heart. She also highlights the role of traditional healers and medicine women in carrying ancient wisdom and healing practices that embody the divine feminine.
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Claudia Soulfinding’s - Biography
Claudia, is a guiding light in the realm of spiritual transformation.
From a young age, she sensed a calling to shine her light brightly and so guided by the whisperings of the universe, she embarked on a quest for self discovery; seeking to bridge the realms of human existence and cosmic wisdom.
Her journey is a testament to the alchemy we can experience when we apply heart-centered wisdom.
She has always been connected to the divine feminine and sees it not just as a gendered archetype but as a universal force of creativity and nurturing.
Claudia believes that the intertwining of the masculine and feminine energies is what brings forth true creation and balance.
At the core of Claudia's teachings lies the invitation to shine your light and light up the world.
She envisions a world where hearts radiate with the energy of the cosmos, illuminating not only individual paths but the collective journey of humanity.
Claudia brings forth a transformative message: the alchemy of the heart has the potential to reshape our existence and elevate our consciousness.
Through different tools, Claudia guides seekers to embrace their own inner radiance.
She believes that when we illuminate our hearts with love and compassion, we create a ripple effect that reaches far beyond our individual lives.
Her mission is to empower others to light up the world with their unique gifts, reminding them that they are divine conduits of change.
Claudia’s Free Gifts
Free Akashic Records Reading
(I will be raffling 3 Akashic Records Readings)
Free Virtual New Moon Cacao Ceremony under the Red Tent on November 12th 2023