Luke Blue Eagle

The indigenous shamanic viewpoint on communicating with immaterial beings and nature entities.

During this interview, Luke Blue Eagle discusses:

  • The importance of speaking to the soul and Great Spirit in a straight line, from the heart, and with truth.

  • The different ways shamans communicate with the unseen realms, which are part of the training they receive.

  • The traditional shamanic viewpoint that often comes from a near-death experience where the person travels to the other side and has a memory of that experience.

  • The memory of the experience is kept alive through the stories and traditions of indigenous people, which modern society often lacks.

  • The common aspect of shamanism among all indigenous people is the practice of communicating with spiritual entities and learning to travel out of body.

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Luke Blue Eagle - Biography

Luke Blue Eagle is a Metis Shaman from Canada.

His entire life has been dedicated to the healing of humanity and the earth.

His training by the spirits began at a very young age. His philosophical understanding of the world was very precocious.

From the age of 17 on he has studied, practised and worked as would a traditional shaman.

He has studied with many Elders from several First Nations in Canada and the United States.

He has been working as a traditional spiritual counselor, teacher and healer since 1987.

He has written 8 books, composed 8 CDs of therapeutic music and created 9 aromatherapy perfumes that are available in many countries.

He is the owner of Invocation Canada a company distributing his creations and the president of Domains for the Earth, a non-profit dedicated to healing the earth and caretaking traditional knowledge by insuring the active transmission of teachings by spiritual Elders and elderly carriers of earth and nature wisdom on family domains.

He has trained several active shamanic practitioners.

He is an internationally recognized expert on crystal healing and has taught in many countries in North America, Europe and Asia.

He makes weekly contribution to his blog, has a training and teaching web site and 2 commercial web sites to promote his creations: and

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