Michael Parisi
The Original Blueprint - Eternal Presence Entrainment, Life Renewal, and Destiny Activation
During this interview you’ll learn:
Michael, a self-proclaimed frequency repatterning specialist and contemporary mystic, delves into the concept of the original blueprint – the divine's original operating system characterized by qualities like unconditional love, wisdom, peace, and supernatural abilities.
He explains how humanity deviates from this original state by embracing the belief in separation from the divine, resulting in experiences of war, violence, greed, insecurity, and scarcity.
Michael emphasizes that the original blueprint is still present within every individual, and the process of rediscovering it is a fundamental aspect of God's plan for us.
He discusses the significance of being fully present in the moment, taking responsibility for one's life, and connecting with the unchanging essence of one's true self.
Michael highlights the potential for transforming one's reality through self-inquiry, the observation of thoughts and experiences, and paying attention to physical sensations.
He describes how our perception shapes our experience and reality, emphasizing that reality itself is generated through frequencies.
Michael concludes by underscoring the remarkable complexity of the human body, with its intricate frequencies, as the most advanced technology on the planet.
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Michael Parisi - Biography
Michael is a messenger of Truth, imparting revelation of oneness with the Presence of God.
Drawing from his intimate relationship with the Divine, Michael operates in powerful giftings of Organic Living Light, broadcasting transmissions of a highly transformative nature.
He facilitates out of his deep passion to see human beings liberated and the reality of heaven on earth manifested from the inside out.
Michael is a Frequency Repatterning Specialist, Teacher, and Modern-Day Mystic, living in devotion to the Christ path and mission of restoring creation to original harmony.
He walks in close fellowship with Messiah Yeshua who has radically changed his life and who he loves beyond comprehension.
Michael has been trained and initiated to oversee great change on this planet, via God’s authority and grace.
He is genuinely equipped to help you break free from detrimental patterns that keep repeating in your life and relationships, experience deep cellular and genetic healing, and come Home to the Freedom of Eternal Presence.
It is Michael’s mission to facilitate the activation of your divine blueprint and the embodiment of your true destiny.
Michael’s Free Gift
Restoring the Blueprint - Group Frequency Regenesis
>Saturate your being in Living Light
>Restore your original design
>Reclaim innate wholeness
>Embody Oneness with the Divine, the Supreme Intelligence of life
>Integrate a greater degree of Spirit and body
>Come to rest in your True Home of Eternal Presence
>Experience deep cellular and genetic healing through *your* connection to God-Source
In this live Session, you will receive core-level Frequency Repatterning which provides a highly effective approach to liberating limiting patterns that get in the way of realizing and embodying innate Wholeness and your True Blueprint. Frequency Regenesis is an organic technology of Living Light that supercharges your journey of destiny actualization. Together, we entrain to the True Source of Life Regeneration, restoring your Original, Living, Eternal Design.