Antoinette Aurell

As above so below, so within so without, and the ring pass not.

My soul journey and cosmic restitution with nature.

During this interview you’ll learn:

  1. Antoinette, the founder of the Aura Bora School of Mystery, shares her lifelong journey of exploring unseen realms, beginning with childhood synchronicities and a profound sense of a hidden reality beyond the visible.

  2. She recounts a powerful dream encounter with a blue being who has been her guiding presence ever since, highlighting the transformative impact of this encounter on her spiritual path.

  3. Antoinette stresses the importance of qualities like stillness, presence, humility, gratitude, and a sense of awe and wonder as essential tools for accessing the unseen realms, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of nature as a teacher and sanctuary.

  4. She discusses the transition into a new 5D reality, underlining the shift away from competitive and survival-based paradigms toward a reality characterized by love and interconnectedness.

  5. Antoinette shares her personal journey from a career as a fashion photographer to becoming a healer, detailing her experiences with practices like regressional therapy, hypnotherapy, and crystal healing.

  6. Antoinette explores the concept of transcending the "ring past not" and the potential for individuals to break free from the cycle of reincarnation, offering insights into the spiritual evolution of the soul.

  7. Antoinette presents her latest project, the Aurora School of Mystery, representing a culmination of her experiences and teachings in the realm of the unseen, providing a platform for others to explore and expand their understanding of the mysteries of existence.

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Antoinette Aurell - Biography

Antoinette is a medicine woman, a paqo, a facilitator of healing and soul doula collaborating with the primordial wisdom inherent in Nature, the elementals, the mineral and the plant kingdom.

Through the modalities of Laying On of Stones or Crystal Healing, Aura Reading, Shamanic earth wisdom practices, rituals and ceremony, Antoinette's mission is to support and empower self-knowledge, to awaken the intuitive healer within, to teach the art of moving energies within and without to become masters of manifestation, consciously co-creating our reality. 

Antoinette was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan.

At 20 yrs old she moved to Paris, France where she started her successful 15 year photography career specializing in fashion editorials and celebrity portraits.

She is the mother of two young adults, an avid gardener, forager, and homesteader in upstate New York. 

Antoinette's early curiosity and faith in the Law of Nature raised so many questions regarding the nature of reality, the world, and the purpose of life.

This prompted her early on to explore philosophy, astrology, and the mystery teachings of the ancient world.

She embarked on her healing journey and through many amazing teachers physical and non-physical found herself initiated by the plants to become a facilitator of healing.

Antoinette has been practicing the art of healing for a decade, she taught at the Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts for 7 years, and has founded the Ouroboros School of Mystery.

Her passion is to share the illumination she received to the best of her abilities.

Antoinette’s Free Gift


is a downloadable e-booklet *made with love* introducing my favorite ritual, a beautiful Andean practice of gratitude and prayer to Pachamama, our cosmic mother, and the spirits of nature through the creation of a physical mandala bundle. 

YOU WILL LEARN:about the principle of AYNI - Sacred Reciprocityabout one of the oldest mystical technology passed down from the Inka civilizationhow to connect and communicate with Nature Spirits how to invite more magic into your lifehow to make kintus for holding your prayersingredients and how to create your own personal despacho how to support your soul growth and connection to the World of Living Energy

Antoinette’s Website