Event Schedule

Welcome! You have arrived to

Tap Into The Unseen Realms 2023

Global Online Event

Oct. 30th - Nov. 3rd 2023

On this page, you’ll find the full schedule of all speakers, luminaries & wisdom keepers, links to their interviews, and their free gifts to you!

Please Note: Each interview will air at the date & time listed below — Between October 30th and November 3rd 2023.

All interviews are available FREE for 48 hours after they initially air.

If you’d like to permanently own the full set of 22 interviews, channellings, and wisdom transmissions in downloadable audio (mp3) and video (mp4) format, to enjoy even after the event ends, please click here:

Event Schedule

Monday, October 30th 2023

Julien Le Noohra

Experiencing the divine Life Force

This interview is available.

Click here to access Julien’s interview and free gifts.

Neelam Sareen

Earths Ascension using the Latest DNA Activations and Crystal Technology

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Neelam’s free gift.

Solara Rose

The Prophecy of You

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Click here to access Solara Rose’s free gift.

Elizabeth Wood

What is the Third Eye and Psychic Seeing?

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Click here to access Elizabeth’s free gift.

Tuesday, October 31st 2023

Daniel Scranton

Channeling as a Way of Connecting to the Unseen Realms

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Daniel’s free gift.

Katerina Satori

Architect Your Reality With Atlantean Wisdom

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Click here to access Katerina’s free gift.

Patricia Awyan Lehman

How the Ancients of Khemit (Egypt) Mastered the "Space in Between"

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Patricia’s free gift.

Amit Goswami

The Self-Aware Universe and Quantum Integrative Medicine

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Click here to access Amit’s free gift.

Wednesday, November 1st 2023

Valentina R. Onisor

Quantum Integrative Medicine

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Click here to access Valentina’s free gift.

Veselka Nikolova

How to Express Your unique Language of Light & Connect with Your Inner Healer

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Click here to access Veselka’s free gifts.

Frances Billinghurst

Surrendering to "The Other": Entering the Darkness to Discover the Light

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Click here to access Frances’ free gift.

Tiffany Raines

Astrological Healing Gemstones

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Click here to access Tiffany’s free gift.

Sanni Pääkkönen

Our inner frequency architecture, supernatural supply, and the embodied circuitry of Grace

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Click here to access Sanni’s free gifts.

Thursday, November 2nd 2023

Antoinette Aurell

As above so below, so within so without, and the ring pass not. My soul journey and cosmic restitution with nature.

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Antoinette’s free gift.

Luke Blue Eagle

The indigenous shamanic viewpoint on communicating with immaterial beings and nature entities.

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Luke Blue Eagle’s free gift.

Taylor Shuler

Astrology to Build a Powerful Online Brand Presence

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Click here to access Taylor’s free gift.

Anna Stone

Trauma and Anomalous Experiences

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Click here to access Anna’s free gift.

Friday, November 3rd 2023

Ruth Rousseau-Clothier

The New Earth, Wisdom of the Heart, The Importance of Harmonic Sound, And A Channeling of the Ascended Masters

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Ruth’s free gift.

Claudia Soulfindings

Heart-Centered Wisdom: Exploring the Divine Feminine & the Christ Consciousness Grid

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Click here to access Claudia’s free gifts.

Sandra Muller

Trance Channeling, Who is The Council of AR?, What brought Sandra to study and practice Shamanism?

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Click here to access Sandra’s free gift.

Kristin Kalla

Resilience, Healing, and Transcendence: Navigating the Human Condition with the Higher Realms

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Kristin’s free gift.

Michael Parisi

The Original Blueprint - Eternal Presence Entrainment, Life Renewal, and Destiny Activation

This interview is no longer available. Upgrade to Unlimited Lifetime Access to view this interview.

Click here to access Michael’s free gift.