Ruth Rousseau-Clothier
The New Earth, Wisdom of the Heart, The Importance of Harmonic Sound, And A Channeling of the Ascended Masters
During this interview you’ll learn:
We and the Earth are going back to something we have forgotten. That the Earth was at one time balanced, and free of negative emotion.
Ruth will share her near death experiences:
Ruth’s insights from her 3rd NDE (Near Death Experience).
Ruth’s spiritual evolution and universal consciousness.
Ruth’s 1st NDE (Near Death Experience) and her health journey.
Ruth’s 2nd NDE (Near Death Experience) during her pregnancy.
Healing through harmonic sound frequencies and the power of harmonics.
Channeling demonstration with the ascended masters (collective, The Divine Mother, Jesus, Yogananda, Mary Magdalene & Yeshua, and St. Germain):
The Earth’s ascension to the 5th dimension.
The Primordial state of balance and harmony.
The power of sound and meditation for spiritual awakening.
Finding joy and embracing the divine feminine.
Divine love and field of knowing.
The importance of meditation to open your heart.
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Ruth Rousseau-Clothier - Biography
At 16 months Ruth Rousseau Clothier experienced her first NDE.
An unusual awakening to return to what she had known before her birth - Love, Hope, Peace, and her Spiritual family.
She never lost that connection. At her second NDE while pregnant, Ruth was opened to choice, the power of Love and what it truly means to us now - the power of the Human Heart.
At her 3rd NDE Ruth learned of the lost memories held within each one of us.
Ruth was shown what is happening now in our lives, and what is to come. Others would say an awakening, an ascension, a new Earth.
Or is it truly the Secret of the Lost Ages we already know and have felt inside.
Ruth was given harmonic resonating sound, which is a gift to the world. She gained the understanding of the power of sound, and has since expressed that in many forms.
Healing has been a way of life for Ruth for over 35 years. She is the author, with her husband Daniel, of a manual of guidance that began years ago.
This manual has evolved into the current Life Study Guide - Infinite Wisdom of the Heart, Our Journey Awakens, Sounds of Harmonic Resonance. A new awakening to who we truly are - grounded, balanced, and in love with life.