Neelam Sareen
Earths Ascension using the Latest DNA Activations and Crystal Technology
During this interview, Neelam discusses:
Earth's ascension into the fifth dimension and beyond, leaving behind the paradigm of limitation, suffering, and feeling trapped.
The use of crystal technology and DNA activations to work with the Egyptian High Councils, the Serian high councils, and sacred geometry.
The experience of taking souls into a cosmic temple in the twelfth dimension to sit in a circle and receive activation and frequency upgrades.
The community called Circle of Light, where everyone is seen, held, and equal in the circle.
A channeled transmission message for star seeds and light workers about the coming New Earth and the shifting frequencies!
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Neelam Sareen - Biography
Neelam is a Cosmic and Quantum Alchemist / Divine Oracle and Channel, Grand Master Healer, DNA Activator and Cosmic Visionary.
She is the founder of Circle of Light, leading, supporting and nurturing a conscious global community of heart centred souls that are focused on self transformation and expansion with the intention to empower all.
As a master of inner alchemy and inner alignment she gives us the tools to reclaim our power and true mastery.
Neelam is a powerful receiver and transmitter of the highest and most advanced cosmic light technologies, frequencies & energetic upgrades coming to earth.
She works in deep alignment with Universal guides for the betterment of humanity, our planet and our multiverse.
Trusted by thousands from around the world, Neelam’s unique and powerful meditations, transmissions, teachings and retreats are a catalyst for change and soul advancement.
Her mission is to liberate humanity from limitation and suffering and help them merge back to oneness and unity consciousness.
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Journey to the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth - Glastonbury and Stonehenger ( Heart Chakra Activations)